Managing Multiple Google Accounts With Out Going Crazy
The more you use Google the more need you will have for multiple Google accounts. Many of us may already have a personal gmail account and a work or school account provided by GSuite. It makes sense to create new google accounts if you want “position specific” accounts. For example, it makes sense to create an account for the Landiego Soccer President. The person serving as the president may change year to year, but the Gmail correspondence and Drive contents should stay with the office and not the individual.
Opening multiple tabs in any browser will keep the same login information from tab to tab. But what if you want to check your personal gmail and work on Landiego Soccer stuff without having to completely log out of one account, clear your history and then log in with the second account? You could use two different browsers, chrome for your personal gmail and firefox for the soccer president; that would be one way. But maybe you have extensions loaded in chrome that you want to use in both accounts, what do you do?
You can add both of your google accounts into the chrome browser and switch between the two. By doing this you can quickly and easily switch between multiple google accounts. You can also set different homepages for each account. For example, every time I open Chrome using my work account, three pages are loaded, the school’s homepage, my work email page, and our student information system. When I open chrome using my personal account three different pages are loaded automatically; my personal gmail, my personal yahoo, and this website. Extensions that I installed using my work account are loaded automatically and the extensions I installed w/ my personal account load.
Piece of advice! Use different profile pictures for each account so you can quickly decide which account is which when you glance down at your task bar or when you are switching between accounts in chrome.
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